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Learn why energy management is so important for your professional success and how to increase your energy to ensure you maximise your professional potential!

In this online course, you will complete an Energy Audit to understand where your energy levels currently are and identify ways to increase your energy.

  • Are you ready to make a career change but you are feeling almost at burnout?
  • Are you feeling tired and exhausted most of the time?
  • Are you looking to make some changes to improve your energy levels?

If you have answered YES to any of these questions, then this online Energy Management course is for you!

This is a practical hands on course where you will be guided through the energy audit..   You will learn everything that you need to know about how to improve your energy.


As a result of this course you can expect to:

  1. Understand where your energy levels are currently.
  2. Complete an Energy Audit.
  3. Identify some ways to improve your energy levels.

There is no better time than NOW to take the first step and to work on improving your energy levels. Stop settling for less than you deserve in your professional life!


Meet Your Trainer / Coach – Maria O’Dwyer

With over 12 years’ experience recruitment and HR experience, Maria has vast experience and knowledge on how to be successful in your career.  Maria created this online Energy Management course to help you understand the importance of managing your energy effectively.

Maria gained a first class Honours Post Graduate Diploma in Coaching and Coaching Psychology from UCC in 2018.  Maria also has a 2.1 Honours Degree in Business Studies where she specialised in Human Resources from WIT.

Don’t settle for less than you deserve in your professional life – life is way too short to be stuck in a toxic work environment.

She has been there and done that. She’s here to accelerate your career progress!

Course Information

Difficulty: Beginner

Course Instructor

Maria O'Dwyer Maria O'Dwyer Author

Energy Management

3 months of access
